The following is an adaptation from Pastor Mark Evans’ teaching called “Changing My Appetite”
Commonly, we like to think of life happening in stages. Some prefer to use the word ‘seasons.’ There are ways to categorize parts of our lives based on different qualifications. For some, it’s their jobs. For others, it may be their living situation. Regardless of how long some stages are, life can change and put you in a new position. As humans, we can crave the familiarity of our past situation and even if it wasn’t good for us, we at least knew what was coming.
As we move to each stage, we often try to hold on to what we knew even though God is trying to take us to the next level. We see this with the Israelites before they move into Jericho. On the verge of entering into this new land, the Promised Land, God stops sending the manna He has provided for them. He’s preparing them for a new time in their live, one that will require a new appetite.
Our desires reflect our diet. Even if something isn’t good for us, we can still crave it because we’re familiar with it. Sometimes, when God is moving us to a new stage, he removes the manna from our lives so we have the chance to change our appetite and what we expect. Once the Israelites stopped expecting manna and began expecting something more, they were ready to eat the delicious fruit of the Promised Land. When God changes our diet, it’s always for the better.
Are you holding onto an expectation or habit from an old stage in your life even though God’s trying to move your life forward? As we finish up our 21 Day Fast, ask God to reveal what parts of your diet He wants to change, and the corresponding desire that goes with it. (Maybe even ask at our Prayer and Worship Night, Friday Jan 27th.)
Northwest Gold is a series of easy-to-digest wisdom from the best Northwest teachings. To learn more on this topic, check out the full teaching “Changing My Appetite” and also view more teachings like this on the Dream Big sermon series page.