Our kid pastors and leaders are passionate about helping kids to know how much God loves them and how His power can be evident in their lives, right now. Our goal is for kids to be super-excited about coming to church and growing into leaders.
First Time Visitor?
We're so happy you're here! We have 2 services on Sunday. We recommend arriving early so you can register your kids. Once registered, kids will stay with you to experience worship at the start of the service, then they will be released to Kids Church for the remainder of the service.
Sunday Kids Services

Every Sunday, kids dive into a meaningful message that helps them grow in their faith in Christ, paired with fun activities and small group time to connect and explore the lesson together.
Wonder Ink Curriculum

We invite parents to join our online portal where you can do activities at home with your kids! Register here for access, then you can come back at anytime by logging in at Wonder Ink.
Check Out Upcoming Events

Our leaders are always coming up with interactive and rewarding events to engage our kids. See our events, such as summer getaways, encounters and more!